Fifth grader Christopher Nivicela said he learned that firefighters volunteer their time to protect their community, and fifth grader Emely Rosario said she learned how to be safe and not go towardthe fire. As part of the STEM curriculum, the students will engage in hands-on activities that will be designed to solve real-world problems while using the engineering design process. At approximately 7:20 a.m. the fire alarm was pulled due to the strong smell of gas in the building. Walter Reed Middle is a public school located in North Hollywood, CA, which is in a large city setting. He also earned several professional certifications, including school building leader. He is concertmaster of Port Chester High Schools orchestra and co-concertmaster of the Hoff-Barthelson Festival Orchestra. He is member of Mu Alpha and the English, National and Tri-M Music honor societies, and was selected to participate in the prestigious Hoff-Barthelson Music School Honors Program. Los estudiantes de todos los grados acadmicos de la escuela elemental de Park Avenue, tras leer textos sobre la vida del Doctor Martin Luther King Junior y su dedicacin por el movimiento de los derechos civiles, tuvieron la oportunidad de reflexionar y escribir algo sobre su legado., More than half of students from lowincome households. Silverman said the Giving Garden produces approximately1,000 pounds of organic produce each growing season, with most of the produce being donated to local families. Trabajamos continuamente con consultores externos y nuestros socios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley para validar las mejores prcticas, identificar oportunidades de mejora, capacitar a nuestro personal y mantener slidos procedimientos de respuesta a emergencias cuando sea necesario. Below is a linked joint communication from NYS Department of Health and NYS Education Department about respiratory viruses and good hygiene. Its a great opportunity to improve, gain exposure, learn how to take criticism, as well as show colleges and universities your work.. For their posters, the students were challenged to identify the central idea and purpose in the speech and cite quotes to support their claims. Having discussed how they could broaden their acts of kindness from the classroom to the building, teachers said they made a list of different individuals from custodians to the school nurse, principal and assistant principal, lunch monitor and other classrooms to be the recipients of their kindness throughout the holiday season. Their challenge was to create the most creative representation of that career and explain based on their research why they chose that representation, Tavarez said. Todos estamos muy orgullosos de lo que estamos construyendo juntos y espero con ansias todo lo que lograremos juntos en 2023. We've earned the highest possible ratings from Charity Watch, Charity Navigator, and Guidestar. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. As we learn more about what led to this event, we will again carefully evaluate our safety and security measures to ensure the safest possible environment for our school community. Students are constantly making musical decisions in a practice or performance setting based on melodic and rhythmic content identified and reinforced in lessons. Posted September . Under the direction of choral director Jonathan Pereira, members of the Port Chester Sound a cappella group and the concert choir performed Eatnemen Vuelie by Frode Fjellheim and Carol of the Bells by Mykola Leontovych. Click here to view last night's live watch party celebrating our AMAZING TEACHERS! Tambin hablaron de los distintos tipos de tiempo y examinaron las nubes para determinar las condiciones meteorolgicas que les esperaba. Johnson dijo que Cool Blues refuerza el concepto esencial de tocar en grupo, contando y ejecutando ritmos largos y cortos, y a descansar con la duracin adecuada del sonido o el silencio. El almuerzo costar $1.25 para los estudiantes de primaria y $1.50 para los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria que no califiquen para el almuerzo gratis. Es una herramienta para abrir el dilogo y creardiscusinsignificativos.Silverman dijo que el 'Giving Garden' produce aproximadamente 1,000 libras de productos orgnicos en cada temporada de cultivo, y la mayora de los productos se donan a familias locales. This newspaper does not exist without our amazingly talented, dedicated and wonderful students, said English teacher Justin Thomas, who co-advises the club with fellow teacher Aaron Glazer. The Port Chester School District is pleased to launch the Principals Promise Academy at Port Chester High School. Adems de Cool Blues, los estudiantes estn aprendiendo Rock the House de Brian Balmages y prepararn la Cancin de la escuela Edison para futuras presentaciones y eventos escolares. Para los estudiantes que califiquen para el almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido, no habr ningn cargo por el almuerzo. This is to notify all taxpayers whose property is located in the Port Chester School District that the school tax bill has been mailed. English teacher Justin Thomas, who co-advises the club with fellow teacher Aaron Glazer, credited student Shirley Guzman, who serves as the editor-in-chief, for reviving the newspaper with her vision, determination and leadership. These instruments are very resonant and engage the childrens attention, as well as provide soothing sensory information,, said. Luego, ellos hicieron sus tiras de papel en forma de un arco, un zigzag, una lnea en curva, un cuadrado y una montaa. can help close it. Sin embargo, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de la CDC y las reglas federales, an se requerirn mscaras en los autobuses. Join us virtually to learn about the following topics: Google Classroom & Home Access Center (English Session), Use Technology to Communicate with Your Teacher (English Session), Check Your Progress with Google Classroom and More (English Session), Google Classroom Fundamentals (English Session), Communicating through Email (English Session), Google Classroom: Beyond the Basics (English Session). RSVP by March 1 to (914) 934-7901 or email 914-934-7886. Durante el ao escolar, los estudiantes, durante sus clases de educacin fsica, practican tres veces a la semana y tras finalizar las clases escolares, compiten diferentes tipos de deportes contra otros equipos. From websites about favorite movies to sports teams and advice on how to take care of pets, Port Chester High School students have been designing their own webpages. We will also expand these patterns to adiscussion on the seasons, focusing on how weather and temperaturechange throughout the year and change throughout the seasons.. It also publishes learning resources, videos, and helpful links. To view the student magazine, visit Making it known that we allow more of a variety of pieces, more people are submitting different works. Gracias. for 4525 Irvine Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91602-1915. Congratulations as well to incumbent Christine Onofrio and to George P. Ford, Jr., who won election to the Board of Education with 1,181 votes and 901 votes, respectively. The Village of Port Chester looks forward to hearing your thoughts and observations related to the Villages downtown business district. Estamos trabajando para crear estudiantes que fomenten las habilidades de confianza, colaboracin, empata y tolerancia y sean un buen ejemplo a seguir de cara al futuro.. See All. If you have an interest, please see the club advisor, or email them. It has been very collaborative in nature, and everyone involved knows they can share their ideas for the betterment of our production, Baurle said. Roncagliolo most recently served as assistant principal at Jefferson Elementary School in New Rochelle and Warring Elementary School in Poughkeepsie, where he oversaw the day-to-day operations of the schools instructional program, supported the implementation of multiple programs, and led professional development sessions for staff. My students would truly benefit from being able to use the tablet to support their learning and to create direct connections with the subject matter. Gracias a nuestros dedicados maestros, lderes y personal. Durante la leccin, la maestra Savino trat y educ a los estudiantes sobre el uso y la forma apropiada de sostener y agarrar el arco del violn y les ense la forma adecuada sobre cmo colocar la mano. Staying in tune while increasing volume can be a challenge, so we use analogies like bowling and archery where finesse supersedes force.. La maestra Barnett coment que durante esta clase, sus estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de experimentar y ajustar el tringulo de exposicin con el fin de obtener la mejor copia o muestra en sus fotografas. It is an honor and a privilege to help facilitate that expression.. Con las cmaras fotogrficas en sus manos, los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester recientemente aprendieron de qu manera controlar y ajustar la luz en sus fotos a travs del tringulo de exposicin (relacin entre la obturacin o dispositivo que controla la velocidad de luz, la sensibilidad y apertura de la imagen). DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Cada mes, las escuelas de Port Chester participan en una distribucin mvil de alimentos. Estos estudiantes con discapacidades fsicas y mentales, cada semana tenan que demostrar sus habilidades deportivas antes de competir contra otros equipos de ftbol sala de otras escuelas secundarias. Como parte del nuevo programa, todos los estudiantes de ltimo ao de Port Chester High School evitarn el proceso de solicitud tradicional para la admisin automtica a la universidad, comenzando con la Promocin de 2023. Para leer el peridico dirigido por estudiantes, visite Then, Principal Judy Diaz engaged the entire student body and staff in a virtual read loud of Jonah Winters A Judge Grows in the Bronx.. Currculo y alfabetizacin a la vanguardia: poner a prueba y poner en marcha una nueva iniciativa de lectura. Another group of students solved math problems, using the commutative property, and learned about rounding to the nearest 10 using two and three-digit numbers. I enjoy teaching my students tools and techniques to represent themselves creatively, Tamucci said. I read the paper online and its really pretty extraordinary, and its really something we need more of, she said. We will keep you updated throughout the day. Good afternoon. Todos estos grupos de estudiantes tendrn la oportunidad durante la otra mitad del da de participar en actividades recreativas/de enriquecimiento a travs de nuestros socios adicionales, Wellcore y Carver Center.Todos nuestros programas estn diseados para brindar instruccin acadmica y oportunidades de enriquecimiento/recreacin. Cervantes, estudiante de ltimo ao, cre su "Rana carrusel" en acuarela como parte de un proyecto de clase que animaba a los estudiantes a explorar la naturaleza caprichosa de los temas del carnaval y el circo. The support of the community to help pull this event together will ensure that our band season is a success from the beginning. Starting next month, we'll charge your card and send her a DonorsChoose gift card on the 17th of every month. Check your email to verify your account and get started on your first project. Mantenerse en sintona mientras aumenta el volumen puede ser un desafo, por lo que usamos analogas como los bolos y el tiro al arco donde la delicadeza reemplaza a la fuerza. It is my genuine pleasure to work with them and have wonderful, meaningful discussions. Check out our website for upcoming Band performance dates and fundraisers at, Francois dEsperies -Director of Publicity PCHS Marching Band Association, Jennifer Carriero-Dominguez Vice President in charge of Fundraising. Como parte de la Liga Pionera, un programa deportivo interescolar para aquellos estudiantes con discapacidades fsicas y mentales, un grupo de once estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester llevan practicando y preparando sus habilidades de ftbol sala. As part of their studies, they learned about drawing lines and shapes and understood how they can break down an object into basic shapes to help them draw it. I also pair it with the Wheels on the Bus book and song. I hope that by the end of this series of lessons, students will understand that weather in Port Chester follows a pattern throughout the year starting cold in January, warming up in the spring and summer and then getting cold again in the fall, Vogel said. "Disfruto de impartirles a mis estudiantes herramientas y tcnicas para representarse a s mismos de forma creativa", dijo Tamucci. The activity was part of a lesson in art teacher. We will let you know as soon as we update the rankings. Por otra parte, otro grupo de estudiantes se dedicaron a resolver problemas matemticos usando la propiedad conmutativa y aprendieron a redondear al nmero 10 (dcima) ms cercano usando nmeros de dos o tres dgitos. It gave me insight into what kind of language and thought process they find motivational.. Adems, requiere que los estudiantes desarrollen su personaje elegido por medio de incorporar fsica y vocalmente a cada personaje. Discover short videos related to walter reed middle school teachers on TikTok. Park Avenue Elementary School students Valery Guanoquiza and Anthony Trezza have their artworks on display in the virtual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit. In addition, the students participated in a schoolwide walk to the high school, which focused on this months theme of Breaking the Barrier. They enjoyed spending time outdoors with their classmates while reflecting on Dr. Kings work in integration and breaking barriers. My hope is that the students gained an interest in engineering. The school district and community have given tremendous support to all the student-athletes who have participated throughout the years. Spring sports registration for the Middle School will be open from February 21stthrough the first week of official practices which start on March 21st. Then, theycreated and designed what their universe would look like with white colored pencil. Parents should make arrangements to pick up students at PCMS at the regular dismissal time. Los coordinadores de las escuelas comunitarias estn planeando talleres para padres y les encantara saber de sus intereses! Miceli dijo que los jueces estaban impresionados con la gran formacin dinmica de la banda y la tcnica entrenada y la dominante presencia de los bailarines. Nos han informado que se ha creado una cuenta de Gmail falsa con el nombre del director de la escuela secundaria (PCHS), Luke Sotherden. Port Chester students returned to school with a renewed sense of excitement for the new school year. Thank you. Una vez que la maestra les ense a sus estudiantes algunos elementos primordiales del arte como pueden ser la forma y el espacio, a la maestra Temple se le ocurri aplicar esa idea sobre la forma y el espacio y retar a los estudiantes para mostrarles la verdadera silueta o configuracin del universo. BoardDocs can be accessed here Habr titulares que vern sus hijos, lo que puede producir preguntas. The direct link to our channels is "Midieron la altura de una vara de medir con su sombra. "Deben entender que la condensacin se produce cuando un gas se convierte en lquido y el cambio de temperatura pasa de caliente a fro". La Junta de Educacin de Port Chester tiene comits de asesora, y nuestro objetivo es agregar msoportunidades para la participacin y la opinin pblica durante el ao acadmico 2022-2023. By maintaining a steady beat, students can begin to play together as they strengthen their listening skills, musical literacy and confidence as young musicians, he said. Hemos denunciado esta cuenta falsa a la polica y le recomendamos que no enve dinero ni tarjetas de regalo. Los estudiantes estn deseando reunirse de nuevo, dijo la maestra. In 2016, 1,599 students were enrolled and there was a student/teacher ratio of 27:1. The commitment to page organization was what stood out most in their work, Tamucci said. The link for the registration can be found here: If your student will be participating in the PC High School Band Program, please email with your name, phone number, mailing address, along with your student's name, grade, and instrument. Los estudiantes dijeron que disfrutaron mucho con esta experiencia ya que la actividad les permiti no solamente interactuar y sonrer con sus compaeros sino tambin crear un proyecto junto. It serves 1599 studentsin 6 - 8 with a student/teacher ratio of 25.8:1.Its teachers have had 158 projects funded on DonorsChoose. As she checks in on them, she also gets a sense of how theyre reading and where they can improve as a class over time. Kathleen Barnetts Digital Photography class. The 2022-2023 Port Chester Budget was approved, 1,331 to 316, a better than 4-to-1 margin! Los estudiantes apreciaron la experiencia que tuvieron con la orquesta a travs de su pasin y devocin por la msica y mostraron mucho entusiasmo para enriquecer sus conocimientos musicales durante el ao escolar. WCSD Notice of Accessibility, Williamsville Education Foundation: Wall of Fame, Williamsville Education Foundation: Scholarship, Williamsville Education Foundation: Mini-Grant Application, WCSD 2021-2022 Foundation Aid Funding Information, Summary of Religious & Cultural Observances, Monthly Awareness Themes & Indivdiuals of Significance, NYSED Digital Equity Survey Question Guidance, Senior Clerk Typist Human Resources Department/Applications/Substitutes, Instructional Specialist Social Studies/LOTE/Libraries, Confidential Payroll Clerk-District Office, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Management Services, Manager of Educational Technology Services & Operations, Occupational Therapist Assistive Technology, Reading Recovery Teacher/Team Leader Appointment, Second Set of Eyes (temporary assignment), Assistant Superintendent for Exceptional Ed and Student Services, Executive House Keeper Temp. After discussing the book, the third graders got into their own writing spots where they revised and enhanced their own personal narratives. "Luego, discutimos sus observaciones y observamos que el agua se form en el exterior del vaso fro, y que el agua del exterior del vaso proviene de los gases del aire". King Street School kindergartners have been building their reading stamina in teacherKarla Diezcansecos class. The fifth graders used acircle stencil to create their planets on black construction paper and discussed how to make two overlapping circles look like they are in front of or behind one another. Adems, los miembros de la audiencia escucharon comentarios del Consejo Ejecutivo del Condado de Westchester, George Latimer, y del miembro de la Junta de Educacin de Port Chester, Luigi Russo. There will be a Board of Education meeting held on Thursday, December 17, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Port Chester Middle School Auditorium. Then, we discussed their observations and noted that water formed on the outside of the cold cup, and that the water on the outside of the cup comes from the gas in the air.. Durante todo el acontecimiento relacionado con la versin familiar de un asesinato nocturno y misterioso, cada actor o actriz, recibi la descripcin de un personaje y funciones o actividades que realizar entre ellas: hablar con otros actores o actrices, bucar objetos y extender un rumor no existente. Any Port Chester student in need of a COVID-19 at-home test kit can pick one up from their school nurse. The students examined their communitys temperatures for last January, April, July and October before comparing them in a graph. The activity was part of a lesson in teacher. Como parte de la tarea del curso, utilizarn los grficos para determinar los patrones de tiempo y temperatura que observan a lo largo del ao. Adems, un bombero que estaba vestido con equipo de proteccin y casco les demostr a los estudiantes a no asustarse cuando los bomberos entren al edificio. Finally, Ironman can be unveiled. After more than a decade, a group of dedicated Port Chester High School students have resurrected their school newspaper, The Port Light, to serve as the voice of the high school community. Thank you! The first half must be paid by September 30, 2022. Baurle elogi al elenco y al equipo por su dedicacin al proceso, estar antes del horario con sus ensayos, por estar enfocados y comprometidos a desarrollar personajes, bloqueando escenas y reflexionando. Members of Port Chester High Schools a cappella group the Port Chester Sound performed at the seventh annual Youth A Cappella Festival at Mamaroneck High School on Nov. 6. The day began with a virtual morning announcement led by two fourth graders, who were dressed in garb representing Mexico. What stands out to me the most is how informed and brilliant our students are, Thomas said. En todo momento pensamos y decidimos que teniendo en cuenta la obra de teatro llamada Clue que se va a presentar en otoo y que consiste en la representacin de un asesinato misterioso, el tema relacionado con la cena inaugural era muy apropiado y propicio. Michelle Ambers. The students can add details they choose, such as people on the bus, the sky and the road. Enrollment/registration emails for each of these programs are being emailed to families by June 2, so families should be on the lookout for correspondence directly from the district or from Catapult Learning regarding your children's participation in programs. We push our staff and students to be open minded, positive, motivated and eager to learn so we can help them reach the highest level of success in physical education.. In addition, a firefighter who was dressed in protective gear and helmet showed the students not to be afraid when they enter the building. Click the link below to watch,, Port Chester 3rd through 5th graders are invited to attend and create hands-on STEAM Projects. King Street School third graders have been working on their personal narrative essays as part of their writers workshop in teacher Danielle Ferraros class. Mysteries intrigue people and allow them the chance to work together to figure out which character is the thief., interactive theater activity served as a fundraiser for the. Hable con sus hijos sobre esta decisin. See Walter Reed Middle in the ranking list, reviews and ratings detail for Walter Reed Middle, Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics, 6th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (Los Angeles Unified), 6th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (California), 6th Grade Mathematics (Los Angeles Unified), 7th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (Los Angeles Unified), 7th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (California), 7th Grade Mathematics (Los Angeles Unified), 8th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (Los Angeles Unified), 8th Grade English Language Arts/Literacy (California), 8th Grade Mathematics (Los Angeles Unified). You will be sent an Email to verify your review. Para su publicacin, los estudiantes eligieron el terror como gnero antes de iniciar su proceso de escritura creativa. New York Film Academy - Los Angeles. fluorescent lights, black construction paper and neon oil pastels, Park Avenue Elementary School fifth graders created their own glow-in-the-dark art pieces. My hope is that they become engaged in the text for the sole purpose of reading and that they practice the skills set for them that specificday.. reviewed what they had learned in third grade before practicing on their instruments. Aprendi sobre patrones y us papel recortado y pasteles al leo para crear el fondo, la taza y el plato, mientras que el vapor en su trabajo est pintado con pintura al temple.Daniel tiene una excelente artesana y la variedad de patrones que us guan la mirada de la audiencia alrededor de la obra de arte, dijo la maestra de arte Chrystal Chambers. Each string is named after a different letter strings from highest to lowest areE, A, DandG.. Rye Brook, NY 10573, 914-934-7930 . We recommend you upgrade your browser. As an educator, I enjoy observing the progression of my students musicianship.. Fue conmovedor ver la conexin que nuestros veteranos tienen con nuestra comunidad y permitirnos honrarlos por su servicio, dijo el subdirector Anthony Carolini. Parents/Guardians of all children whose fifth birthdays occur on or before December 1, 2022, are invited to enroll their child using our new online registration system located on the District website in English or Spanish at The students are thrilled to bring their characters to life, she said. As a group of fifth graders at Thomas Edison Elementary School held their trumpets in music teacher Michael Johnsons band class, they performed Cool Blues by John Bullock and identified its melodic and rhythmic patterns. En 2023 brilliant our students are constantly making musical decisions in a graph examined their communitys temperatures last... Lo que lograremos juntos en 2023 antes de iniciar su proceso de escritura creativa that the tax. 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